
My thoughts on politics from a Christian perspective.

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

One area I think we need intellectual property reform is in holding companies. I think people should get rewards out of research. That's only right.

But if a company, patents something, and sits on it doing nothing. Then another company comes around, and invents something then they come around and sue them for infringing on there patient. Well, if they aren't making use of there patient how can that be infringement?

The reason for having patients in the first place is to let people benifit from there intellectual work and to spur progress. If a company sits on it, that's not innovating. In fact they are hurting the company that is innovating.

Well, you ask, what about someone who does research? Discovers something benifitual for others? If other people make use of the research that, then I can see them but if no one makes use of there research and another person does things on there own... well I think you can see my point.


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