
My thoughts on politics from a Christian perspective.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

What could be done differently

I had a discussion with one of the polish students on what they would do differently. Here are some of his suggestions;
  • convince the shakes were not bad guys
  • plan better for the war in iraq
Now on the face of it these are not bad suggestions, however the problem is implementing them. For example, how do we convince the religious leaders we are not bad guys when we are the ones they blame for things. We are the people they can get angry at. They can't get angry at the other people. I told him I don't know if we will ever be able to convince them we are not bad guys.

Another thing is, he thought we out to have gotten the guns in Iraq when we invaded. Since they are not being used to kill our soldiers. I countered by saying Iraq could have turned out differently. I think he was surprised when that a small country like Iraq could beat us. I told him, are we big, yes, are we powerful, yes, but we are not invinceable.

One question he had for me is why we didn't go into Iraq the first time. We should have gone in and gotten Saddam the first time. I think he was surprised when I told him we didn't want it too look like a blood bath.


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