
My thoughts on politics from a Christian perspective.

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Location: United States

Monday, September 24, 2007

I frankly find that I'm better off without most of the people around me. Why? Because I try to help other people, and they take it as the wrong way.

Take for example, a resent event. A person I know has their hopes on being a professional writer and they have a story they sent out to various publishers that they couldn't sell. My mother made some cook books, and she made a slight amount on them, so I figure I could do the same thing. So I thought, I could publish the book and we could both make some money.

So I suggested this, and I'm accused of trying to "ruin" her writing career, using sleezy business tactics, and wasting her time. It's like sometimes it's like why do I even try to help others sometimes. But I probably wouldn't have made a whole lot of money doing it and involve taking a monetary risk on my part as well.

So I'm going to write my own book now. It's slowly gaining shape. Then I'm going probably publish it on my own. Maybe I'll submit it to publishers. But their is no arguing with her, she's got her mind set on how she wants to do things.

One thing that bothers me though, is what if she doesnt' find a publisher for it? I asked her this and she didn't answer that. I wish her the well, I really hope she is successful. But this is why I'd rather spend my time with books then people.



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