
My thoughts on politics from a Christian perspective.

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Location: United States

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The military needs to include a course on IT Security Awareness and Social Engineering at the military academies. They should be a required courses. Now, obviousily being military they can't have people questioning orders. However, they can teach people to have an awareness of security. They can make sure that people are on the look out for people who are trying to hack their systems.

I saw this article about cyber war and I totally agree. The USA needs to bone up it's defenses. For example, the internet ought to be a public utility like electricity, water, heat, etc. It ought to be run like one.

For example, AT & T could make contracts with local utilities to partner to provide services. AT & T could could then provide bandwith to these utilites. The local utilities could setup wide area networks so that if the internet went down the services that rely on them would still function.

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