
My thoughts on politics from a Christian perspective.

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Location: United States

Friday, September 29, 2006

Wall along mexico's border

I think the wall is a good idea. Won't solve the problem of illegal immigration, but might help. How about this, how about having people who are caught for illegal immigration build the wall? I mean with dirt and tires it could even pay for itself. It also would serve as a lesson. Once the word gets out, they might be less people coming here illegally.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Need to find a different crop

One thing with the farmers in afghanistan is we need to find a new crop for them. Giving them money yes that will work in the short run, but in the long run can we keep bribing them? If they can feed other people to while growing it....

Monday, September 25, 2006

One I would want to respond to I saw on a blog. The blog was making a point about how all the rights we now enjoy democrats have fought over. It's not that I'm oposed to more school spending it's how it's spent. It's not that i'm against clean air, it's how it's kept clean. It's not that I think unions are necessarily a bad thing, it's how they are run.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Two events had me thinking; The Iranian president, and Hugo Chavez coming to the United nations and the Pope speech. Both are issues of free speech. Let me go further, that they demonstrate what these people really are.

Take the stuff at the United Nations. Now politicians will be politicians. But how would they like us going into there country and saying the exact same stuff about them? Probably not much, probably get arrested. There actions show what they really are.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Thailand and Now Budapest

I'm glad there's not alot of bloodshed going on. There is enough in the world going on as it is. Don't know how this will play out in the long term things. I think it's good people are wanting there government to be honest with them.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

You know, I heard there was another shooting. You know people are going to argue for more gun control. Well, thing is will that solve the problem? No.

Why are these people doing it? For the glory, to get there name out there because of some need to get attention. They do it to have power over others. So why are people running the story. Here's an idea, how about this, how about news networks get together and say, we are not going to say the names of people or show pictures of people who do this stuff.

You one thing I believe in, the more of this stuff that get's reported more it get's into people's mind. Then in turn people would lead to more violence. So what we need to do is stop focusing on the violence. Because what you focus on you become.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Pig Roast

My church had a pig-roast. It was fine and all. People came up and said hello. But really there isn't anyone for me to talk to.

Most of the people in the church are either parents or children. So that leaves me the single ex-college guy sticking out. It was a cool idea and all, but leaves me with a little lonely when i have no one to talk to and everyone else is.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The U.N. isn't working folks

Let's face it, no matter if your left or on the right, the U.N. isn't getting the things it seeks to do done. If the United States is going to try and do multi-lateral action, then if the U.N. can't do anything, what good is it? Why go there ?

Monday, September 04, 2006

I don't like Political Blogs

Geee you say, well you have one. Your right. Here's why! Most of the time it's not about making a point, it's about smearing other people here an example. I was recently surfing the internet when it had a letter written to God on it. Well come on here how dumb do you think we are.