
My thoughts on politics from a Christian perspective.

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Location: United States

Monday, December 24, 2007

So the military is developing more robots. That's not new, what is new is that it's changing warfare as we know it. In the past, the countries with larger populations always had an advantage in war. Since larger population one could have more soldiers.


Friday, December 14, 2007

So I was reading about how the Iranians built a super computer. Here's what I'm thinking. Too bad we couldn't have a "special" order for them. For example, if amd had a way that the United States could moniter the development? A back door of somekind?


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

You know I was thinking, there is a solution to balance the budget, besides raising taxes and cutting spending, though I wouldn't rule out either one of those options. That is to tax illegal immigrants.

They do pay sales taxes, true but not income taxes. Thing is they use our roads, they use our schools, they use our other services. If they use our services, and don't pay taxes that's more of a "tax burden" for the rest of us.

So how could we do it? Sales taxes, would be a way of doing it. Thing is most people it would be the same amount as their income taxes. Also we would have to make the internet merchants responsible for collecting taxes.


Monday, December 03, 2007

You know I was thinking, maybe it is in everyone's best interest to give Hugo Chavez a pension plan in exchange for stepping down. I mean seriousily, look at the decline of his nations oil infranestructure, it's crumbling. Maybe the nation would be better off having him not at the wheel?
