
My thoughts on politics from a Christian perspective.

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Location: United States

Friday, July 20, 2007

Japenese Sewer system

If anyone was ever curious about the Japanese sewer system, here are some pic's of it.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I have been using bible It's interesting, but I think the search engine needs work. So often I will be looking for something and I will find something I will see earlier. For example, magic


Recently my church sent a mission trip to mexico. They had money left over so what they did is everyone took an extra suit case, and brought supplies with them in it. I thought this was kind of a cool thing to do. It's not so much the work they did, so much as the people they touched. The orphans down there don't get much contact.


Sunday, July 15, 2007

So when I was in college I went mini-golding one time with a young lady and her brother. I asked about going out again, but nothing materialized. Fastforward a few years, my mother is helping her with her wedding dress. She and her sister came over (whom I was close to in highschool and married someone else), and I decided it was a good time to go walk around.

If one is looking for a one-night stand it doesn't matter if the person you are with is compatible with you. However for a long term relationship it's good to have the similiar moral background. You see most of the young ladies in the church that I could have dated have gone off to college.

Realistically, it's easier to survive with two instead of one. I've always dealt with issue of "he doesn't have a girlfriend". However if I can't find a woman in my religion where am I to find one this presents a problem. So where am I too find one?


Friday, July 13, 2007

I had an opportunity to be a roady for a rock band. It could lead to some lucrative stuff. Why did I not do it. Because it wasn't me. Also, I've found dealing with people who have a different moral code is not a good thing.


I saw this and I thought I would spread the word about it.


Monday, July 09, 2007

London Style camera's in New York

There is talk about installing london style security camera's in New York. One thing is I don't think they should look into people's homes. I mean for tracking people down from an explosion fine.

Personally, I think perhaps it might be better to be more suburb society. Instead of having a town of 1 million maybe a bunch of cities with 20,000. When you have a city of 1,000,000 you have to bring in alot of resources into the city. Where as a bunch of cities of 20,000 you can don't necessarily have that problem. Also, if you have a bunch of small cities it's harder to them all with a dirty nuke.
