So when I was in college I went mini-golding one time with a young lady and her brother. I asked about going out again, but nothing materialized. Fastforward a few years, my mother is helping her with her wedding dress. She and her sister came over (whom I was close to in highschool and married someone else), and I decided it was a good time to go walk around.
If one is looking for a one-night stand it doesn't matter if the person you are with is compatible with you. However for a long term relationship it's good to have the similiar moral background. You see most of the young ladies in the church that I could have dated have gone off to college.
Realistically, it's easier to survive with two instead of one. I've always dealt with issue of "he doesn't have a girlfriend". However if I can't find a woman in my religion where am I to find one this presents a problem. So where am I too find one?
Labels: Civil Liberties