
My thoughts on politics from a Christian perspective.

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Location: United States

Saturday, January 27, 2007

There are problems with a guest worker program. Either there are going to come here illegally, and try to get into it. Or come here legally, and stay illegally.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

President's State of the Union address

I thought it was a good speech by the president. But here are my thoughts. One the President wants to lower our use of oil. Good that's fine. But instead of having the government spend money on research, why not have it tax free? I mean if there was no sales tax on fuels 100% non-fossil fuel based and write offs for installing the equipment that might help. Also, the president wants to effectively tax insurance benifits. Personally, I would like to see it go the other way. That is, greater right off's for medical expenses, and write for companies that provide insurance to there workers.

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

The army's position is made more difficult by the politicians in three different ways.
Ignorant of the whole army's inability to withdraw, they order a withdrawal.
We call this tying up the army.
Politicians don't understand the army's business.
Still, they think they can run an army.
This confuses the army's officers.
Bing-Fa: Martial Arts Strategy by Sun Tzu and Gary Gagliardi
This reminds me of the politicians in Washington. It's as true as it was when it was written.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

You can hill the enemy and frustrate him as well.
Take the enemy's strength him by stealing away his money

Fight for the enemy's supply wagons.
Capture his supplies by using overwhelming force.
Reward the first who captures them.
Then change their banners and flags.
Mix them in with you won wagons to increase your supply line
Keep your forces strong by providing for them.
This is what it means to beat the enemy while you grow more powerful.

Again this reminds me of the stuff in Iraq. Could they used the captured guns to provide for the Iraq military? Could they reuse explosives? The iraq military could be supplied for decades with what saddam left behind.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Warfare is one thing,
It is a philosophy of deception.

When you are ready, you try to appear incapacitated.
When active, you pretend inactivity..
When you are close to the enemy, you pretend you are near.
Bing-fa: Martial Arts Strategy by Sun Tzu adn Gary Gagliardi
This reminds me of what of our problem in Iraq. For one thing, the terrorists can see us coming a mile away. A humvee is a pretty obviousily most likely a military vehicle. Personally, I think the military would be better off using armed cars to transport troops. Another thing is the color. I mean green is pretty obviousily military, why not paint the vehicles a urban camo design?

Saturday, January 06, 2007

By 221 B.C., the first Qin emperor, Ying Zheng, united the warring kingdoms of China. Changing his name to Qin Shi Huangdi, he also became the first Chinese emperor to attempt to stamp out the widespread development of weapon skills, martial arts, and specifically the knowledge of the Bing-fa. Huangdi's burning of books to suppress knowledge is famous, but, according to The Records of the Historian, he also collected all the weapons from the citizenry and had them made into bronze bells and twelve giant statues, each weighing two hundred tons. However, all this eventually accomplished was to accelerate the replacement of these weapons with newer, more modern iron weapons. Bing-fa: Martial Arts Strategy by Sun-Tzu and Gary Gagliardi
I believe those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. That why I found this paragraph interesting. It reminded me of the gun control where people turn in there guns because I believe the effect is the same.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Why do we need to have so many people at Polical events?

One thing about watching President Ford's death, is why do we need to have so many people there? It's understood that it might be a good idea to take multiple pictures. But couldn't most news organizations use the same footage? It's the same event, the same person is going to be there. It's not the like the camera's are any different.