
My thoughts on politics from a Christian perspective.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Senator Kerry's comment

I heard Senator kerry talking about the Iraq war and if you dont' study well, you could end up fighting there. For one thing, if I could I would have gone into the military. There are alot of benifits to it. For alot of people who aren't born into privelege it's a way to get ahead.

Senator Kerry's comment

I heard Senator kerry talking about the Iraq war and if you dont' study well, you could end up fighting there. For one thing, if I could I would have gone into the military. There are alot of benifits to it. For alot of people who aren't born into privelege it's a way to get ahead.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Foreign language summer camp?

One thing is the best way to learn a language is to be immersed in it. So how do people learn languages that don't learn it at home? They learn it in classes.

One thing I was thinking is it might be better to have summer class courses in foreign languages. That way people could be immersed in it. Also it could be condensed training.

Halloween a time for evanglism?

One thing is what if a bunch of people in a church got together and handed out pamplets on halloween? How much could this help bring people to Christ? It may not but maybe it might open some doors to it.

We need to protect the Iraq's

Now not every Iraq. For instance, the Iraq people might have more of an incentive to join the army if American troops guarded there families. Why? For one thing, there probably safer with us then without us and we losing people who's families are getting kidnapped.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Something to make you think

I was reading this and it made me think. Do I have a poor boy mindset? I hope not. I would like to think I help others out and yes I have found some people who want permant one way favors. But one point that christians expect information for free since they have been fed information regulary. Have we christians missed something?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Love Prayers

I've been looking for a book of prayers to find a mate. I can't find any on amazon. Why is this?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Congress should give us a free annual peek at our credit scores

I saw this and I agree. We should get a free peak at it, otherwise it's not fair to the people.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

War On Terror Time to change our tactics

Personally, I think we have to change our tactics in this fight. For example using depleted uranium isn't a good idea. For every soldier who is injured costs the government so much money. What's the solution?

  • Longer Training: More self-defense training on what to do if your attacked, everyone's a target. Extend the commitment if necessary.
  • More Armor: With more body armor, and armored vehicles, injures could be reduced if not eliminated.
  • Coordinated Missile Defense system: North Korea Might think twice about sending missiles to Japan, if they're likely to get shot down. But the thing if more than one country went in on it, it would cut costs down.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Support the Boy Scouts

I got a letter from the Boy Scouts. They want me to send them money. I'm probably going to do it, since I was very active in it. I also feel it was good training.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Another Phone call

Got another phone call, this time they wanted money. However, the asked for it in a long winded way. Perhaps groups should give various ways of lending support such as mailing stuff our or making a contribution.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Getting volunteers to aid you

A lady called our house and wanted us to mail out some information. First she asked for my parents. Then when I asked her what the message was she said there was no message. She wanted me to mail them. Now my parents might be interested in mailing them out. But I have other things I'm helping out with right now. So maybe she should have just let me take the message.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

So I called the unemployment to check into how much left as a benifit. Well, turns out if I make more money then 125 dollars I'm not eligible for partial unemployment. Even though, I used to make a few hundred dollas a week and making about 180 dollars. There is no point though in taking it out on the benifit person though, they just doing what they are told.

Personally, I would rather have the money in the my hands. But oh well...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Whale hunting

I saw a blog of a guy who wants revenge against a whale that killed his wife, two children, and that took his arm. Now he paid 525,000 for a license to kill a whale. Now, I can see why he would want to kill the whale, I can even agree that it might be good for the safety for others, but I think he's taking the wrong approach.

If I was in his shoes. First thing, would be too find out everything I could about a Killer whale. Hunting habits, where they spawn, where they travel, how they comunicate.

Then I would try to talk to others and try and get there support. Perhaps, someone else who has a license would kill the whale, and he could part of it in his living room. There has too be a fishing operation, that would want too front the money. I could see some sportsmen wanting to go with him. Maybe even set up a non-profit foundation, to help clear the seas of dangerous predators such as this. I mean if a bear attacks a human, they are killed. How is this different?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I moved a bunch of posts from piece of my mind blog tonight. I wanted to keep my political content on my political blog.


The response to hurricane Katrina is now being questioned. One idea, would be too have regional centers for disasters. Each center could specialize in the disasters in that area.

One thing that might be getting in the way of the effort, is federal law. For instance, fema trailers siting in a field. Why can't they move them? Because by law you can't put them in a flood zone, which I imagine most of Lousisia is in. Could't there be some places you could put them that aren't in flood zones though? I know it's a big operation.

Venting smoking room

I wish smoking areas were vented to the outside. Maybe I'm picky about that but that's just my take on it.

Toll booths are a pain

You know, taking my black belt test made be realize the pain toll booths are. Someone who's more street worldy than I am, said he always takes the teller since the machines eat quarters. What's interesting is the I-passes.

Security of ports

I think the terrorists aren't probably going to attack a port, here's why. How many people are at a port? Terrorists are interested in getting as much media attention as possible. That's probably why they target people. Targetting a port doesn't have the same appeal as targeting oh, the trade centers.

Now I'm not saying they wouldn't try and smuggle stuff through a port or try and steal anything. But how many times have tried attacking a port? What I do think is a real issue is the border.


Here is my take on the whole cloning thing. Until perfect the process in animals I dont' think they should touch humans. I mean what's the point if they don't have it perfectly in animals. Alteast get the process down before trying more advance species.


I heard on fox news and slashdot that you can gather information about cia operations via public searches. Personally, I think when you can gather information about cia agents then what about public citizens? I think that inorder for national security you need to have privacy. Without privacy who knows what terrorists will prey on the public?

Building codes

Personally, I think the national building codes should be revamped for natural disasters. For instance, in a fire prone area? Fire-resistant houses, with fire resistant stucco on all new construction. In a hurricane area? Fortified houses, etc, etc, etc.

Walk offs

Here is the the thing, I don't think they are a strategically good move. Why? Because they affect people who had nothing to do with the negotiations. Do they make them sympathetic to your cause? No, in fact probably the opposite.

Now I could see a strike if a companies for example raids the pension plan or the like. I think most people wouild understand that.

Jobs americans won't do

You know I keep hearing no one's rasing there kids too be bus boys, or farm hands. These kinds of jobs aren't what I would call a career choice. But they do provide money to go to college, or give you some job experience. When I went looking for such a job I found them hard to find.

I think if they are having a hard time finding people, they should raise the pay. That's what the philosophy is based on isn't it? When demand increases more than supply the price raises.

If there isn't those jobs, and we just hire illegal immigrants to do them, how will people make the money to go to college. Some people don't have the luxury of not having a job.

internet helping to make china an more freer place?

The arguement against this was that it's such a small part of the population. Well, even a tiny part can have big effect. I don't think it will be able to monitor everyone at everytime. I mean the more information your exposed to the greater chance something might slip out the government doesn't want it's citizens to know about.

I heard on fox news that a teacher got suspended for having remarks comparing bush with hitler. Personally, I don't like getting into politic's but school should be one's soapbox for teachers. I know of teachers that were christians that couldn't express there views or else they would be fired. So I think this is a bit of double standard.

One area I think we need intellectual property reform is in holding companies. I think people should get rewards out of research. That's only right.

But if a company, patents something, and sits on it doing nothing. Then another company comes around, and invents something then they come around and sue them for infringing on there patient. Well, if they aren't making use of there patient how can that be infringement?

The reason for having patients in the first place is to let people benifit from there intellectual work and to spur progress. If a company sits on it, that's not innovating. In fact they are hurting the company that is innovating.

Well, you ask, what about someone who does research? Discovers something benifitual for others? If other people make use of the research that, then I can see them but if no one makes use of there research and another person does things on there own... well I think you can see my point.

I usually try and stay out of politics but here's an idea for our government. Why not pay some bloggers to blog pro-america agenda? In real life, your unit to survive has too generate a mass of fire. I think it should be the same with information.

Monday, October 09, 2006

North Korea Testing the Nuclear Bomb

One thing is, south korea has it's capital on the border with north korea. Isn't it about time they moved it? I mean it would they would be less vulnerable to an potential attack from North Korea if they did.

Second, if they are hoping North korea is going to collapse from within then they got to stop funding them. Personally, I think that the moment they said they were cheating on the treaty we should have cut off all aid. Talk is cheap afterall.

I want to have my money

They really cut back on hours at the Wilderness. I got a mail from unemployment issurance. I'm not eligible for unemployment because my remaining amount is less then five dollars.

This got me thinking, of all the money that has gotten taken out of my check for unemployment. This is exactly why I don't like big government. I want to have control of MY money, not let someone else hold onto it. Because the matter is that I might not get it when I need it.

Monday, October 02, 2006

I saw another shooting on the news. One thing I think is maybe homeschooling is getting to be a better and better idea.